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Home Private Label

Private Label

Groenvoederdrogerij Timmerman also produces roughage products under a private label. For instance small bales of 10-20 kg or small briquettes of 500 gr. Apart from the various roughage feeds Timmerman produces itself, minerals, pellets and natural liquids can be added.

Apart from the production of these feeds, Timmerman also takes care of the packaging. And because the packaging should spread your message, we will help you to bring this message over the footlight. We offer a broad range of packaging solutions varying from a full-colour sticker to paperlook film. With our new flow-pack machine, we can package briquettes from 400 g to 1 kg per piece in all kinds of ways.

In order to be successful as a company, even in economic lean times, a company has to have a strong identity. The development of a feed mark of one’s own under a private label is a good strategic step.

Please contact us with all your questions or ideas for strengthening your own mark.

If you wish to improve your market position, we are your perfect partner.

Info & contact

Green feed drying house Timmerman
T +31(0)113-301651
E info@drogerijtimmerman.nl